Jewish Holidays 5785

Rosh Hashanah
What it is:  The Jewish New Year
2 Days1st & 2nd TishriThur-Fri Oct 3- 4
Customs:  Hear the Shofar sound (except on Sabbath), Tashlikh - Cast away your sins
What to Eat:  Apples Dipped in Honey, Round Challah
What to Say:  Shanah Tovah
Work restrictions:  Sabbath-like restrictions on work both days
Yom Kippur
What it is:  The Day of Atonement
1 Day10th TishriSat Oct 12
Customs:  Attend Kol Nidre Services Erev Yom Kippur (The only evening service of the year when everyone wears a talit). Attend Yizkor Services and Light Yarzheit Candles for departed members of the family
What to Eat: Start fasting Erev Yom Kippur, before sundown, and break the fast after sundown the next day
What to Say:  G'Mar Hatimah Tova "As G-d puts His final seal on you, may it be for good!"
Work restrictions:  Sabbath-like restrictions on work both days
What it is:  The Harvest Festival
7 Days15th-21 TishriThur-Wed Oct 17 - 23
Customs:  Erect (and eat meals in the) Sukkah; Wave Symbolic Thanksgiving Offering "Festive Bouquet" made of Etrog (citron), Lulav (branch of date palm), Hadassim (myrtle) and Aravot (willows)
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions:  Sabbath like restrictions on the first two and last two days
Shemini Atzeret
What it is:  The Final Day of Sukkot
1 Day22 TishriThur Oct 24
Customs:  Yizkor Services, Prayer for Rain
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions:  Sabbath like restrictions
Simchat Torah
What it is:  The Completion of the Torah Readings for the Year
1 Day23 TishriFri Oct 25
Customs:  Join the Congregation as the Torahs are removed from the Ark and are carried around the Shul in celebratory dancing and singing
What to eat  Jelly Apples
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions:  Sabbath like restrictions
What it is: The Celebration of the victory of the Maccabees. Miracle of the oil that burned for 8 days
8 Days25 Kislev - 2 TevetThur-Thur Dec 26-Jan 2
Customs:Light the Menorah, spin a dreidal
What to eat: Jelly Donuts, Potato Latkes
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions: No work restrictions
Tu B'Shevat
What it is: Jewish New Year for Trees
1 Day15th ShevatThur Feb 13
Customs: Plant trees in Israel
What to eat: Grapes, Figs, Olives. Pomegranates, Dates, Carobs
Work restrictions: No work restrictions
What it is: Haman, the King's Prime Minister, plots to kill the Jews - Queen Esther saves the Jews by sharing information she gets from Mordecai with her husband, King Ahashverus. An affirmation of Jewish survival.
1 Day14th AdarFri Mar 14
Customs: Read the Megillah a.k.a. The Scroll of Esther, Spin a noisemaker at the mention of Haman's name, Dress up in costume, Share gifts of food and wine "Misholoach Manot" with family and friends.
What to eat: Hamantashen
Work restrictions: Limited restrictions on work
What it is: Liberation of Israel from Egyptian slavery
8 Days15th-22nd NisanSun-Sun Apr 13 - 20
Customs: Gather "Hametz" and remove from home, Celebrate two Passover seders, Read the Haggadah at the seders, Recite the Four Questions
What to eat: Unleavened Bread - Eat only those foods permitted on or prepared for Passover
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions: Sabbath like restrictions on the first 2 and last 2 days
Yom Hashoah
What it is: Holocaust Memorial Day
1 Day28th NisanThur Apr 24
Customs: Memorial Service
Work restrictions: No restrictions on work
Yom Ha'atzmaut
What it is: Israel's Independence Day
1 Day6th IyarWed Apr 30
What to eat: Israeli Foods
Work restrictions: No restrictions on work
Lag B'Omer
What it is: Day of celebration in the midst of a seven week period of sadness
1 Day18th IyarFri May 16
Customs: Picnics
Work restrictions: No restrictions on work
What it is: The Giving of the Torah to the Jewish People
2 Days6th-7th SivanMon-Tue June 2-3
Customs: Tikkun - Stay up late to study Torah
What to eat: Dairy Foods
What to Say:  Hag Samayakh, Gut Yontif
Work restrictions: Sabbath like restrictions
Tisha B'Av
What it is: Commemorating the Destruction of the Temples
1 Day9th AvSun Aug 3
Customs: Fasting, Reading the Book of Lamentations
What to eat: Fast
Work restrictions: Limited restrictions work through mid-day