The Men's Club of Temple Beth Torah concentrates its activities on the many exciting programs and events that bring Club members and Congregants together.
Our active and vital Men's Club contributes many things to our Temple. The annual Men's Club's 'Men's Night Out' at a kosher restaurant is an especially popular event.

Our signature event is the Hanukkah Family Breakfast. Each year around Hanukkah time, the Men's Club member gather to make a feast for the families of Temple Beth Torah. It's always a fun time as the men do all the cooking, serving and clean-up for this fun event. The menu of pancakes, latkes, scrambled eggs, and pizza bagels ensures that there is something for everyone to enjoy. A DJ not only supplies music but also a variety of party games to make sure the kids are having fun throughout the breakfast. The event wraps up with our annual Hanukkah present raffle which always delights the kids.

Participation in the Men's club ensures that you are sure to find new friends and enjoy exciting programs that will bring you closer to Judaism, to your family, and to the Temple.
For more information, please feel free to contact Bob Shapiro or Ivan Ziegler Men's Club Co-Presidents.