Providing the highest quality Jewish education is amongst Temple Beth Torah's highest priorities. Temple Beth Torah’s educational goals are to:
- Foster an understanding of our heritage and values
- Achieve Jewish literacy including the ability to read Hebrew
- Create a familiarity with the Jewish calendar and holidays
- Make our students comfortable at synagogue services.
We strive to achieve these goals through our dynamic Religious School and through a warm, welcoming, weekly Shabbat Junior Congregation Service. All of our Religious School classes are small and offer personal attention from a nurturing staff. The school staff includes specialists in Hebrew music, Judaic programming and media arts. Teachers utilize our state-of-the art computer media center for enhancing the learning experience.
Our Kindergarten, Alef, and Bet Classes meet on Sunday mornings. They are specifically designed to introduce our younger children to the joys of being Jewish. We are proud that many students at TBT begin their Jewish Education at Temple Beth Torah's Pre-Religious School and continue through high school.
This year you are invited to enroll your children in our K, Alef, or Bet class (K, 1st and 2nd grade in Public School respectively) free of charge to Temple Beth Torah members.
Formal Religious School training begins with the Gimel class for third graders. It is here that children begin to read Hebrew. Games and informal activities are incorporated to make Jewish learning fun and exciting. Tzdakkah and Gimilut Chesed (acts of loving-kindness) are expressed by all grades through school projects that include visits to nursing homes and food collection for the needy. In addition, special programs are held during the year. They include guest speakers on the Holocaust, dance programs, artist visits, GADNA exercise program and Israel activities on a blow up floor mat.
After completing the Daled Hay, and Vav Classes, seventh graders move to our Zayin Class, with its own unique program under Rabbi Katz's direction, and individualized Bar or Bat Mitzvah preparation. The fact that our B'nai and B'not Mitzvah excel on the Bimah by ably and confidently chanting the Haftarah, reading from the Torah, and leading parts of the service, is a tribute to our Cantor's and our staff's talent and dedication.
Tutoring is also available to every student free of charge. Our individual tutoring sessions are designed to help students build and enhance basic skills and have a positive impact on attitudes around the educational experience.
We have instituted a new program called "Madrich" or guide in English. Our teens volunteer to become peer mentors and work one-on-one with our Vav students. They help the students practice and perfect their Hebrew reading and performance skills.
We are pleased to announce the establishment of our completely interactive classroom. It is a first in the region, or perhaps in the country, for a Religious School. It features a SMART Board (by way of a grant from Legacy Heritage Fund) twelve new high-powered computers, and custom furniture. We are so appreciative to the Einbinder Family who made this dream come true.
We continue to improve and enhance our curriculum and educational offerings to ensure we meet or exceed our educational goals. Some indications of our success are:
- Students participation in Family Services and Jr. Choir
- Students participate and lead Holiday services
If you have any questions or would like to know more about our education programs, please feel free to contact us.